La femme aux fleurs ; The girl with the flower tattoos
Hello, and welcome! Let me introduce myself: I’m Delilah, a witty little autodidact, a logophile, bibliophile, and all around good-time-ophile. Versatility is an understatement; my personality is a mix of Albertan pragmatism and cultured sophistication. I love museums and libraries, but can also be found intently searching through the back issue boxes at ComicCon. I can wax poetic on the beauty of modernist literature or the debate the merits of the original vision of Star Trek versus the Abrams reboot.
I’m a natural beauty and as comfortable out of makeup as in it. My smiles come quick and easy and my sense of humour is both ironic and inviting. I am quirky yet elegant, adorable yet mature. I have a gift for putting people at ease and love to meet with diverse individuals of all genders, orientations, abilities, ethnicities, and cultures, and I especially adore meeting with couples. My natural abilities are enhanced by two years of experience as a companion.
If you think you’d like to meet me, I invite you to look over my site as it contains many lovely pictures and plenty of important information. If you would like to get to know me a little better, please feel free to take a gander at my blog:
Until we meet,
1 hour, a meaningful introduction – $300
2 hours, relax and unwind – $500
3 hours, enjoy total bliss – $800
4 horus, a lasting impression – $1000